Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ask...And You Shall Recieve

By Carla Castro

" 'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.' After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Not often do we ask and immediately recieve what we are asking for. If you are a parent, you hold the power to deny the inobtainable, and often, unreasonable requests of your child.

"Can I eat the entire box of cookies?"
"Please, can I climb the shelf to reach the books on top?"
"If I brush my teeth, can I have candy before breakfast?"
"I see the lightening, but, please, please, please, can I go swimming in the pool?"


And how often does God answer our requests, sometimes not so inobtainable or unreasonable, because He has a better plan for us?

"God, please make my marriage easier."
"Lord, I just need you to help me pay these credit card bills."
"I love my house, Father, please stop the forclosure."
"Make this path of following you an easy one, dear Lord."


But in Acts 3, the people cried out. They begged God.They didn't understand why people were turning against them and asked for His help, for the ability to speak His word and to minister to others. And as soon as they asked, they recieved the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Now, this is not a one time thing. It's a reoccurring theme. Earlier in Acts, the disciples asked and they too recieved the Holy Spirit. It is seen time and time again, people genuinely ask God to be with them, to give them the Holy Spirit and to use them to do His Will, and for this question, He will say "Yes."

If you say "yes" to God and want to be a tool for Him, he will use you. And it's never a decision to be made lightly. It leads to a life full of bumps and bruises, trials and tribulations, but in the end, the jounry is worth it. But it is up to each person whether they want to ask for the journey, no matter how inobtainable or unreasonable, and God will provide his answer.


1 comment:

Christine said...

Thank you, Carla for sharing. I was a bit behind... but now realize this was God's timing. Thanks, I needed to "hear" that.

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