Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cell Phone Safety & New Indiana Law

First of all I just want to say "Hello" to all the fellow Anchorites out there. It is a very busy summer and sometimes it feels like we are scattered here and there, and sort of lose track. I for one am very grateful for Anchor, and the ministries it provides. I would also like to thank the Worship Team for the long hours they spend practicing and showing up on those Sundays when the crowd is sort of slim. They still carry on, and I appreciate that very much.

As some of you may have already heard there is new legislation out there that will become effective on July 1, 2011. If possibly you have lost track of time like I do, that is this Friday. According to this new law, it will now be officially illegal to text message on your cell phone while driving. As I mentioned on my Facebook note I am unaware of the penalty which will be imposed. If someone knows what it might be please feel free to get in touch with me and let me know.

I for one am guilty of the practice of texting and driving. In this day and age it seems everyone needs to know any detail imaginable as it actually happens in another person’s life. I think the advent of Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and all the other social network mediums have only added to this sense of urgency we all feel to know everything we can in real time.

I for one understand these feelings. It is important that we retrain our thoughts, and minds that most things can wait at the very least until we can pull over or stop in a safe place. I fear as I make these next few statements I may be thought of as overly opinionated, or maybe even stern. But I feel I must say these things: When you text and drive you are basically putting yourself in the same precarious position as someone who is DRINKING AND DRIVING.

You are basically showing the same disregard for the safety of others, and yourself, as someone who is under the influence of ALCOHOL, AND DRUGS. You are distracted. You are not watching the actions of other drivers. You are drastically slowing down your response time to changing traffic conditions. Your reflexes are drastically slowed down. You may be having emotional reactions to the information you are getting in the text message. This can render you extremely dangerous to be on the road. You have almost the same risk of hurting yourself, or others, as someone who is DUI.

With all this being said, along with not texting and driving, you need to let your friends and relatives know that you will not respond to text messaging while you are driving. This will increase your safety on the road, and prevent hurt feelings from those who do not receive a quick response to their texts.

You need to be an advocate, a spokesperson if you will. Encourage your friends and relatives to heed the new law. Nothing could be sweeter than a life being saved because you encouraged a friend or relative not to text and drive.

Now, a word about Bluetooth devices. Many people are rushing out to buy Bluetooth ear sets, thinking that this will allow them to safely talk on cell phones while driving. Well, I am afraid I have some bad news. Studies have shown that these devices do not increase safety margins when being used on the road. When you are talking to someone you can still be distracted, and caught up in a conversation. You still have the ability to become emotionally upset on the road especially if you are engaged in an argument. I would say that at least you can still have two hands on the steering wheel which is the big reason folks are buying these sets. But this still does not remove the risks involved. Your reaction time to changing road conditions remains compromised.

None of what I am saying here is rocket science. This issue has been ongoing for years. I just wanted to help spread the word that texting and driving will be illegal as of Friday. I know that some may decide to ignore this law. Admittedly, it appears it may be difficult to enforce. In Michigan the fine is $500 for texting and driving. In Minnesota you cannot even text at a stoplight or stop sign. All this to say, ”the train has left station” on the issue of texting in Indiana.

As a Registered Nurse, I have taken care of many folks whose lives have been ruined by unsafe driving habits. It is my hope and prayer that Anchorites will “take the high road” on this issue and also encourage others to do the same. I pray the Lord’s blessing on us all as we travel here and there this summer.

God Bless,

Scott G. Eddy, RN BSN

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