Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Church Just Wants Your Money! (part two)

Churches too often ask for money from a position of neediness. Which ties guilt to the request. This also gives the aura that maybe there was a little mismanagement or lack of foresight or wisdom. All of which will discourage people from giving generously (though maybe still out of guilt).

When a church asks for more money, there needs to be a clear articulation of how the generosity will help the congregation love it's neighbor better. 

If the giving is to be for facility upgrades, one would want to know how the facility is used to serve the community. If increased giving is for staff, one would want to know how the neighbors are going to be better served. If the giving is for programming, one would want to know how this will help make the neighborhood a better place to live.

Are we asking for more money as a way to spread the good news, or is it getting in the way? There is nothing wrong with asking for more money, unless how and why you are doing it undermines your ability to live out the Gospel.

Is Jesus being honored with the stewardship of the money that has already been given? Is the community being served well? Is the congregation growing in generosity, love, grace and truth? How will more people be blessed in the congregation and the community if more money is given to the church?

The Bible teaches us not to be stingy with our money, but to be generous. If you love money, you will be stingy with it. "Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income." [Ecclesiastes 5v10] But if you love God, you will be generous with it. The church ought to ask for more money, but more for spiritual formation reasons then money woes. By helping the congregation grow in generosity, they grow in their trust with God, they grow in their help to their neighbor, and they become less worried about having enough money.

The Apostle Paul writes to his friends in Corinth:
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." [2Corinthians 9v6-8]

If we learn anything about Jesus, love and money, it's to be generous with it. Sow generously to the people in your life. Be generous to people in need. Sow generosity as you love your neighbor. Be generous to the Lord's work.

Since your local church is part of the Lord's work, and it has people in need, and it includes people in your life, and it's part of the neighborhood, be generous to your local church!

But even more important, sow generously as the Spirit of the Lord directs you.

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