Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Movement Towards Communionity

Anchor is part of a movement to connect with a Christ who is connected with our community. It's a movement towards communionity. We believe that the Jesus we worship and serve is fully present in our neighborhood. With or without us.

Anchor wants to join Jesus in what he is doing in our community. If Christ comes as good news, then that's what we want to be as well. But this requires that Anchor continues to learn how to commune with a Christ such that it builds a movement of unity with our community. Communionity.

Too often Christians focus on "Jesus and me" at the expense of "Jesus and my neighbor too." Communion on Sunday mornings too often reinforces a narrow view of being a Christian, "Thank you for forgiving me of my sins." What if how we did communion focused us less on our past sins, and more on Jesus and his current work to save our community from sin?

That's what we'll learn and begin to put into practice this Autumn at Anchor. Communionity is our new word to describe our learning to commune with Christ who is connected to our community. Unity with Christ will include unity with our community where Christ is currently at work. Can our participation in communion increase our connections in the community with people not like us, with the poor and imprisoned, with the wounded and wandering?

We'll have to learn some new ways of partaking of Communion, of participating in the Lord's Supper, of celebrating the Eucharist, of anticipating that Great Banquet. It'll take some practice, some creativity, some openness to the promptings of the Spirit of Jesus. And that's what it takes to start a movement of communionity.

Jesus came to start a movement where by ever more diverse people would experience the healing, freeing, transforming power of God and then in joy invite their community: "Come follow Jesus with us!"

Come join us in our movement towards communionity!

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