Wednesday, October 12, 2011

To You Arrogant Rich

James 5

If you're going to write a short letter, and instruct about only the most important issues, what would those be? For the Christians reading the letter of their Bishop James the Just, they get a clear message about the abuse of wealth. Back then, and now, the abuse of wealth is still a cancer on our society. 

Whether it is a bartering system, agricultural system, an empire economy, a socialist society, a communist dictatorship, or a free-market system - wealthy people will emerge, and too many of them will add to the corruption of the system for their own gain. And it will be at the expense of the workers. And the Earth.

It is evident that wealth is NOT a sign of God's blessing. God's blessing comes from what you do with your money - whether much or meager. God will be harsher on the wealthy who exploit people and places, who loot and live it up, who destroy lives and livelihoods. 

"All the workers you've exploited and cheated cry out for judgment. The groans of the workers you used and abused are a roar in the ears of the Master Avenger." Whether it is America or Malaysia, China or Mexico, whatever the economic system, God is against those who build wealth for themselves.

So James has a few words for the workers though: life is hard - be patient for the return of Jesus without complaining about your neighbor or your life. Don't let oppression provide an excuse for you to dishonor God with your words and ways.

Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God even in the midst of gross inequality, corporate injustices, and financial mismanagement. If you're going to help make things right, do not become like the ones who made it wrong. 

For the hard life of the workers, continue to pray for one another, and for justice. When you get sinned against: forgive. When you sin against others: confess and work for reconciliation and healing. Don't let the hard times that have been inflicted on you result in drifting away from God and community. 

When your friends fall away from God - go after them! Don't let the corporate empires and billionaire tyrants corrupt your church community. Resist the evil. Rescue the wandering. Restore the broken. Reach out and care for those who have been left behind or trampled.

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