Monday, October 31, 2011

But You're Special

Exodus 16-20

In this story of freedom from slavery, we also find a story of covenant to God. Israel was freed by God - not so that they could do whatever they wanted. They were freed in order to become God's own people on the Earth. God rescued Israel, saved them that they might be his special treasure, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation. 

We don't know what kind of work God was doing in the whole world during the times of the Exodus. We do know that there were tribes of peoples all over the Earth, kingdoms, empires, cities and societies. There is scant if any word of what God was doing in those peoples. But God does make it clear through his words to Moses that God intended for Israel to have a role to play when it came to the peoples of the world.

For Israel to be a kingdom of priests, it implies that they were to be mediators between God and all the peoples and tribes of Earth. As a holy nation, they were set apart, unlike the other nations, called for a special duty and task. Recall God's word to Abraham: I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make you a blessing, and through you I will bless the whole world. It was this kind of vision that God had for the Israel that he delivered from slavery in Egypt.

The stories we read in this section are fascinating - snippets of what life was like on the way to the Promised Land. This part of the journey includes episodes of their travel to Mt. Sinai where the covenant will be made between God and Israel. Along the way the people complain bitterly about lack of food and water. They are attacked by the Amalekites. Moses is overwhelmed by his role as judge for this mass of sojourners. There are good nuggets in here for reflection on leadership and faith.

As Christians, we understand ourselves to be children of Abraham - those who put their faith in Christ. With our allegiance to Jesus as Messiah and King of Israel, we belong to the New Israel that God has brought up in the world to be his special treasure for blessing the world. Christians are the next kingdom of priests, mediators between God and the people of the world. We are the holy nation, unlike everyone else in order that we might serve them and bless them and connect them with God.

To think of ourselves as special does not give us permission to become proud and haughty towards others. We've been chosen to follow in the steps of Jesus, the way of love and sacrifice, service and compassion, wisdom and healing. Just as Israel failed to uphold the covenant, so have Christians. And yet just as God worked through Israel, so he can work through us. Jesus is the one redeeming factor of both Israel and Christians - it is he to whom we should always point. And follow.

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