Monday, March 21, 2011

Parish Nurse Notes: Bullying

Anchor Community has been collaborating with 46808 Neighborhood Churches with the purpose of helping build a stronger, responsible, and healthier neighborhood. There are many subjects and issues that can be addressed. Among those issues are raising great teens who will grow up one day to be responsible citizens in our own neighborhoods and towns.

One issue has come to the forefront for almost all teens in one way or another: bullying. In recent research 43,321 teens were surveyed. The age range was 15-18 in 78 different public schools, and 22 private schools. Amazingly, a full 24% reported that they feared going to school, and found school to be an unhappy, and unsafe place to be. It was also found that 37% of boys and 19% of girls felt violence in schools was okay.

In other research, it has been found that as many as 100,000 students have gone to school while carrying firearms. 77% of students in one research group admitted to being bullied at some point. It is estimated that as many as half the incidents of bullying are never reported…..even considering that as many as 14% of students have had severe negative events related to bullying.

One big problem with bullying in 2011 is that it is no longer limited to just verbal threats and physical violence. Bullying has many faces including: withdrawing emotional, social, and friendship benefits to punish a victim
-racial...indirect racial slurs, graffiti, exclusion from various social settings and activities, and harassment
-sexual...sexual remarks, inappropriate touching,
-cyberbullying...threats and harassment over various internet social sites such as Facebook etc.

Very serious problems can result for bullied teens including physical harm as well as depression and social isolation. In the next couple of blogs I will discuss more in depth the problems related to bullying….and some of the steps we can take both in the Church, and in the community to help stem the epidemic which is overtaking so many of our teens.

Scott G. Eddy, RN BSN

Reference: USA Live Headlines.Com

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