Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are You Shaken?

How often have you shared your faith only to be ridiculed or laughed at? How many times have you been in a situation and have hesitated to share that you are a Christian because of the reaction you might recieve?

How did you respond? What did you end up doing?

In Acts 2, once the disciples recieved the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages - languages that they hadn't know until that point - and they begain sharing the gospel to people in all different tongues, some were receptive. Some were not.

Haven't you been in that position with your faith?

I know that, as a child raised in a church with my mom being the Sunday School teacher and the youth group leader and doing VBS and Christmas pageants, I knew my faith. I knew what I believed in. I went to a conservative Christian college. I knew what I believe in.

So why is it that in certain situations, when I'm approached and have the opportunity to share the gospel, I hesitate? I worry about what people will say about me and my faith.

Everyone ends up in situations as a believer, where their faith is questioned and ridiculed. It's tough. There are all types of names for Christians that the secular world uses:
"Bible Thumper."
"Holy Roller."

A study by the Barna Group that I found on the internet said that only 16% of non-Christians in their late teens and early 20's have a positive view of Christians. That is less than one in five.

So, how do you respond?

I know that when I used to be teased or called names or looked down on because of my faith, I did not know how to stand up for it. I didn't know what to do. And generally, I clammed up, looked down, and tried to leave the situation as quickly as possible to avoid the discomfort.

In Acts 2: 17-21, Peter stood up when the people accused the Disciples of being drunk with wine, and quoted scripture. In verse 22, he explains further, and quotes scripture again. Ultimately, he defended Christianity and their faith in it.

Now, I share my faith a lot more than I used to. I do not consider myself to be a hardcore, preachy, "Bible thumping" Christian, but I try to live like Christ and love like Christ, and, when appropriate, share that good news that I am saved.

We, as believers, should represent our faith, not by telling people where they fall short in the eyes of God or judging them by their actions or lecturing them on their failures, but we should praise their good works and love them despite their wrong doings and help them grow to become better. If every Christian reacted to the world in love, instead of judgement, maybe we could erase some of those negative views of our religion.

Acts 2:25-28 - "David said about him: 'I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.' "


Heidi said...

Thank you Carla for sharing this, It is inspiring. I love seeing God's work in you and through you!

carlasue476 said...

You're welcome Heidi. I love seeing God's impact in your life. :) And I love you!

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