Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What He Promised

Genesis 21-30

When ancient Israelites shared their story of where they came from, what stories did they tell around the campfires? They focused on the story of Abraham, on Isaac, and Jacob. In the years to come, God would identify himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God would make promises to each of them - and what we get is the stories of what happened. To know their stories is to better understand God and the heritage of Israel.

In these chapters we get provocative stories of very human people from a very ancient culture. These characters are not what we would call good role models. But then these stories are not in the Bible in order to help you be a better person - they are here because they are the story of Israel's origins, the story of God and his promises at work in our world. If God can use them for good in the world, then the good news is, he can use you too!

The temptation may be to read these stories and focus on what you don't understand, or to observe how it is so foreign and different to how we do things. Maybe you'll protest at how God works to keep his promises. But another approach to the Scriptures here is to let them teach you about the culture back then. The characters are fully immersed in their ancient Mediterranean culture. They are wealthy, they have many slaves, and often multiple wives. God worked within the culture that existed. And he was pretty good at it. And still is.

Note in chapter 23 an exceptional example of bartering. Note the formal language, how the two sides come to an agreement of purchasing the burial plot. The back and forth, the phrasing, the exchange is classic Middle-eastern bartering. In chapter 24 is an interesting example of how a wealthy man might seek to arrange a marriage for his oldest son. Other issues that emerge in the following chapters include that of favoritism, the privileges and rights of the firstborn son, the deceit and trickery of tribal leaders, and the powerful desire among wives to have sons.

Let these stories teach you about an ancient culture - and how God worked to keep his promises in that culture. But humanity hasn't really changed all these years later - can you see any of yourself in any of these characters? Take courage - God is still clever and brilliant and capable. If he can use Abraham, or Isaac, or Jacob, then he can use you to keep his promise to bless the world.

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