Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Grownups Can Change

By Carla Castro
Acts 9

On Sunday, Pastor Tim led the kids through the sermon of Acts 9. The entire chapter talks of Saul and how God changed his heart from this horrible sinful life he had to that of a Christian. He went from this man who persecuted Christians to preaching God's Word and proclaiming that Jesus is Messiah and people doubted him and his change. But God did change him.

We all reach the point where we recognize that life is a constant change. Like a river. But also, like a river, it often seems to look the same. The scenery remains. The rocks stay put. The banks never alter. But, unless you look and think carefully, everything is changing. Everything.

Today, for a marketing project, I looked up quotes about change. One was humorous, but true. "Change is inevitable....except from vending machines. (Robert C. Gallagher)

I also liked this quote. "Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights." (Pauline R. Kezer)

And on Monday, I recieved a link to a YouTube video by an organization called "I Am Second." The video in particular followed the story of Brian "Head" Welch from the band Korn. I grew up listening to Korn in high school. About six months ago, I stumbled across Head's book at the public library and picked it up during a event where I was sitting at a booth, bored, for a couple hours. As I read, I decided I needed to check it out and took it home to read it. His story is that of change.

The message of change has come to me at a time when I need to hear it. I don't want to. But I need to. I struggle with change. Sometimes I fight it because I fear it. Sometimes I fight it because I do not want it to happen. Sometimes I fight positive change and sometimes, it's the negative changes. But, I am trying to strengthen my view and recognize that God is the reason behind the change, as long as I ask Him to. I should not fear it, nor fight it, so long as I continue to build my relationship with Him and trust that He is the one guiding the change.

Sometimes, I need to be reminded as well. Grownups can change.

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