Sunday, May 3, 2009

Neighborhood CleanUp Day!

Saturday we tackled the alley behind the church. There are about sixty houses that use the alley, thus there was a lot of tree debris to collect. Waste Management delivered a huge dumpster for us to use. We had about three pick up trucks running up and down the alley which we used to haul out the tree limbs and junk. There were some great workers that showed up to serve: RJ Conrad, Andrew Muncie, Ken Harrold, Eddie Parks and his two sons Rocky and Vinney, Steve & Pam Dennie, Terry & Lisa Sutton, Jeff Jacobs, and Paul Neher.

Once we filled the dumpster with the alley debris (we only finished half the alley...which means now we need to schedule another day to complete the project), we headed off to a home on Hensch street.  Anchor has partnered with NeighborLink FW to help our neighbors in need. NeighborLink has a website where people can post a need, and then someone can go on that site, see the need, and meet that need.  Anchor has committed to taking care of any neighbor in our zipcode - 46808 - that posts a need.  We cleaned up the yard in no time, but Paul spent most of the day working on the oven...and he's still got to go back and finish it!  He's a real trooper though, and I know he'll get it done!

We do this service project to be a good neighbor, and to get to know our neighbors.  While working in the alley I met two neighbors and has some really good talks with them.  When we went to clean up the yard on Hensch street, the owner took us across the street to meet her neighbor - a 97 year old man who is still very active, but needs some help with his yard.  It was also a great day for connecting with fellow Anchorites.  It was a very good day indeed!

Steve and Pam took a lot of pictures and then posted them on Facebook. I stole his pictures and am using them for this post!

1 comment:

Andrew Hoffman said...


On behalf of NeighborLink FW, a huge thank you goes out to all who participated.

Know that you participated in a practical act of redemption and transformation.

You all stepped into someone's life and removed the issues they could not do for themselves.

You're efforts expanded the Kingdom a little bit more.

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